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What is the range of AGNI-V missile after reducing its weight by 20%?

India has successfully reached the 7,000 kms mark after successfully testing its nuclear-capable Agni-5 ballistic missile. The newly tested Agni-5 missile is capable of striking targets beyond the range of 7,000 kms. dRDO developed missiles have been reduced in weight as well by replacing steel with composite materials, as per sources in the defense establishment. With the weight reduced by over 20 percent, the government can easily increase the missile's range to 7,000 kms.

☑️ India has successfully reached the 7,000 kms mark after successfully testing its nuclear-capable Agni-5 ballistic missile. The newly tested Agni-5 missile is capable of striking targets beyond the range of 7,000 kms. dRDO developed missiles have been reduced in weight as well by replacing steel with composite materials, as per sources in the defense establishment. With the weight reduced by over 20 percent, the government can easily increase the missile's range to 7,000 kms.

Let us know some facts about the Agni 5 ballistic missile of India. Actually when the Agni 5 was made i.e. when it was designed the range of the Agni 5 was decided to be 5000 to 5500 km. We have also done experiments in this way. Thus the experiment was successfully completed.

 But what India always wants is that we need a missile that can travel more than this 5500!! will come in the future. But can we increase the distance of the missiles that we have in view of the requirements that we have? Do we have the capability to send beyond 5500 to 7500 km? When we take that as a challenge, all these missiles are manufactured by India's DRDO.

As a result of DRDO's efforts, the range of Agni-5 has been increased from 5000 to 5500 KM to more than 7000 KM. How this is possible is because of the weight reduction of the missile. There the weight of the missile is reduced by using a different composite material instead of steel so it can travel longer distances. This is a wonderful thing.

India has always had a dispute with China, so the borders are always tensed, so we have to be ready for war, so we are thinking about this range. In this regard, this test also ended successfully. So it is no exaggeration to say that it has given India more strength.

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