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What is ASMT? Anti-Satellite Missile Test

This question was asked in group one exam  Q: Consider the following statements regarding India's "anti-satellite ship test":  The test successfully destroyed a live satellite in low earth orbit ✅️  Testing was done in the upper atmosphere to avoid space debris ❌️   Our India is the fourth country in the world to have this type of missile system ✅️    Which of the above statements is/are correct?

This question was asked in group one exam

Q: Consider the following statements regarding India's "anti-satellite ship test":

  • The test successfully destroyed a live satellite in low earth orbit ✅️

  • Testing was done in the upper atmosphere to avoid space debris ❌️

  •  Our India is the fourth country in the world to have this type of missile system ✅️

 Which of the above statements is/are correct?

1️⃣ The test successfully destroyed a live satellite in low earth orbit

  • This statement is correct ✅

2️⃣ The test was conducted in the upper atmosphere to avoid space debris

  •  This statement is false ❌

Because after we successfully conducted this test, other countries in the world expressed their concern. These space wastes will increase due to such tests conducted by India!!

 But what India has countered is that there are already a lot of wastes but whatever these wastes come out of India due to this test will not last long. India is saying that they will fall down. So this statement 2 is false.

3️⃣ 4th country in the world to have this type of missile system — India

  •  This statement is correct ✅

 What does this statement mean? India is said to be the fourth country to have successfully tested it recently. But before this there were three countries. Is that true? India's fourth country? So we should be clear on this statement.

 But in the exam, instead of the fourth country, the third country, the second country, the first country can be given. If not, we should get marks in the exam, which means we should definitely have clarity that India is the fourth country or not.

But in countries with such compensation system as we know

  1. If the first country is America..

  2. If the second country is Russia..

  3. The third country is China!!

  4. After these three countries, India became the fourth country to have such a system.

Important Points:

☑️ The test success made India the fourth country after the US, Russia and China to destroy an enemy satellite.

Q: Anti Satellite Missile Test was successfully launched. But arrange the countries with such a system in order. (Answer 👇)

  • America

  • Russia

  • China

  • India

☑️ An anti-satellite weapon or ASAT is a weapon that destroys or physically damages a satellite.

Also what is this anti-satellite weapon? This is called Anti Satellite Missile Test. What it does is destroy the satellite. or physically harm.

☑️ India's successful demonstration of ASAT capability indicates its ability to intercept an ICBM.

But the arrival of this capability to our country means the ability to intercept an ICBM. What is an ICBM? — Intercontinental ballistic Missile. So India has the ability to counter them.

☑️ 'Mission Shakti' collided with an Indian satellite in low earth orbit, turning the object into debris.

What is the code for this – Mission Shakti. That means Mission Shakti is the same as – Anti Satellite Missile Test!!

That is what it has done i.e. the Indian satellite/ our satellite has been hit and destroyed by a missile test. The Indian satellite was hit in low earth orbit i.e. low earth orbit and the object was turned into rocks.

That's why the countries of the world are in trouble. Due to this, all the countries of the space world have also expressed concern that waste in space is increasing. If not, India has been telling all the countries.

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