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African Cheetah - Project Cheetah


African Cheetah - Project Cheetah

 In the recent preliminary examination we were asked a question. This is related to Project Cheetah. Leopards have been reintroduced to India. They became extinct in India many years ago i.e. in 1952. Again these were re-introduced into India.

  1. Where are these introduced again? — Introduced in (Kuno national park) in Madhya Pradesh.

  2. From which country were these leopards brought? — Brought from Namibia.

  3. How many cheetahs did they get? — 8 leopards arrived.

Let's look at the question given in group 1 exam.


Q: Which of the following is correct connected to the statement "Cheetahs have been reintroduced into India"?

  1. Cheetahs help restore the open forest and grassland system. ✅️

  2. Project Cheetah is the world's first intercontinental lord wild carnivore translocation project. ✅️

  3. Of the 8 Namibian cheetahs introduced to Kuno National Park, 5 are female and 3 are male. ✅️

  4.  Indian cheetahs are extinct African cheetahs ❌️

  5. "The End of a Trail. The Cheetah in India is written by – Divya Bhanusinah. ✅️

👉 1,2,3,5 points Are correct ✅️

👉 4th point wrong ❌️

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African Cheetah - Project Cheetah